It’s all gone a bit biblical hasn’t it?
Just when I slowly began to develop a fear of crowds and long lines, I wished for things to slow down and give me space.
Then a pandemic united the world to combat a deadly virus that sprung up from microbial contaminated bat meat in a soup.
So that someone can live, I have to stay put.
The severity and reality of the situation hit me hard. No hugs! no trips to the beach! no street food social gatherings… My own self imposed isolation came in late 2015, during Christmas, so I was primed for this, but on this scale it’s extraordinary. Trying to avoid news and poorly tics yet I’m drawn to them 24/7. It’s an Avalanche of Not Awesome.
Lockdown has been a mixed blessing because while I loved the tranquility of the neighbourhood on my walks, online watch parties, online and I’ve never felt healthier – a result of hygiene protocol and lots of sleep and healthy eating – I’ve missed the company of friends terribly. Lots of good stuff were lined up for Spring and Summer and 2020 buried those dreams! The virtual House of St Barnabas Quiz gave me warm, safe feelings – later that night bawled.
Even submitted a piece of RAA’s Summer Exhibition – what a waste of time that was! Rejected, then event cancelled.
Feeling left behind and think maybe it’s not worth doing art; content keeps getting buried by the blasted algorithm. Yet I’d be out of my depth elsewhere.
I was planning to start a couple of animated music videos but somehow I got carried away with the Six Fanart Challenge, drawing portraits inspired by the Doctor Who lockdown tweetalongs.
I also designed merchandise for and The White Curl, sketching dogs, making progress on a short film… basically more work is coming. Flexing those animation skills as well as culinary skills and tending to my crops. The garden’s full of life and this cat well fed.
The virus is still rampant now as much as contradictions and misinformation. Even Leicester made it on to national news but for all the wrong reasons. I’ll just use common sense to stay alive. The only living thing I can cwtch is my Dad’s cockapoo Billie.
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