March 18, 2017

Timing for Heroes

I could scream. I’m alive. Oh my god I’m alive! What a miracle to be here!

You have no idea how badly I wanted spill the beans on working in the Doctor Who world. This must be how the cast and crews of both that and Sherlock feel.


After Christmas I followed up The Future Needs Us with my attempt at the continuity ident and bumper…

They led to the production of a specially commissioned 10-second animation that went live this past week along with the new Series 10 promotional image and trailer. (The proper one, not the spec one! Although I called it with the Mondasians!)


Although not quite a TV ident, my skills are helping to promote what promises to be a kick-ass series in the lead up to its broadcast which is in less than a month.

On The Fan Show I got to share my techniques and inspirations and present a gift to Christel Dee. The interview was shot at Television Centre, on the same day Martin Scorsese came to BFI. There was quite a lot of material we shot that you don’t see in the final cut, but this is a digestible wee masterclass that’ll inspire cats to get creative.


I still can’t wrap my head around the thought of this on my device and laptop before anyone else. And it looks beautiful and cosmic and makes me so hyped for more excellent adventures!

Let’s rewind back to end of January. It started like a normal typical Monday…until I got a call. What a day it turned out to be, full of twists and turns, a race against time, battling the elements, stepping into a place where the magic happens, triumph, and a bittersweet shock reveal, for it was that very same evening Peter Capaldi confirmed his inevitable time-out as the Doctor.


That was also the same morning I saw La La Land.


So here’s to the fools who dream.

I’m thrilled with the response and so lucky I got the gig. It made my parents cry.

Many thanks to Edward Russell, Chris Allen, Christel Dee, George Shankster, the Beeb and everybody who has supported me to reach this point. It’s given me so much confidence and vigour. Anything is possible. Thank you, Doctor.



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The Last Doctor