The beautiful town of Caerphilly was bathed in sunlight. A mysterious fog surrounded the Castle.
As I was searching for the entrance, I learned from DW brand manager Edward Russell that the Aberavon Bay sequence went down really well at the Symphonic Spectacular, and that Peter thought those watercolours were “fantastic”.
Filming took place in the north-west tower and then atop a hill across a drawbridge. Besides all the forthcoming promotions, this prequel/minisode will be the first thing to be broadcast. The start of Series 9. Or presumably Timmy O’Toole is stuck down that well?
Rachel Talalay came to watch the action. She said the free-fall sequence in Death in Heaven (LOVE it) was so much fun to shoot. She also recommended seeing Mad Max: Fury Road. I saw it the next day at the Reel Cinema by the seafront. Incredible. Even the pregnant tabby cat loitering outside wanted to experience it.
Daniel Hoffmann-Gill (Bors in the Series 9 opener) and extras dressed in medieval garb would appear at intervals. I chatted with one of them about careers, working on sets of blockbusters and TV shows – the latter have quicker turnaround times – and Steven Spielberg’s efficiency and professionalism on War Horse.The whole experience was basically fantasy made real. The entire time I still could not… this was more than just a television production. And whatever was going on inside the tower – everything seemed like figments of my imagination. A loud bang shook the place into a brief silence.After making new friends, reuniting with familiar ones, and playing with a pair of gorgeous setters, it wasn’t long until the Doctor himself strutted into the courtyard.
Every moment spent in his company becomes the new greatest moment of any Whovian’s life. I felt more confident around Peter, despite my legs turning to jelly. Happens every time I meet a Time Lord. When he signed my pencil case I explained why it was relevant but then stopped myself in case I might offend him. Doubtful. Owls are among my favourite animals.
The pencil case illustration is Paperchase’s, not mine.
This moment was one of the highlights. It made all the kids laugh.
Why do I always bungle my communication in front of the Doctor?
After 5pm I made sure a few buddies who missed the chance got to meet Peter. Even after a long day, his eyes still sparkled green like the Doctor’s signet ring. He demonstrated his drawing skills, was impressed by mine, was delighted to hear about my contribution to Glasgow School of Art’s restoration, and I thanked him for making me believe in magic. That’s what Doctor Who is. It inspires folks to do good.
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